Saturday, August 15, 2020

How to Write a Worthy Book Report

How to Write a Worthy Book Report Book reports are almost the same as book reviews. In other words, this is the detailed presentation of a book. Still, book reports need to be more illustrative. When a person reads a book report, he or she should understand which topics this book cover. Besides, several facts about the author also must be mentioned. Ordinary book reviews have a persuasive effect. The prime objective of a book review is to persuade the reader whether this writing is worth attention or not. Nevertheless, a book review and a book report have one common characteristic feature â€" both are regarded to be a composition of commentary and summary. A book report is an excellent method to characterize a book and show how you understand it. In this article, we’ll come to grips with all peculiarities of book report writing. Besides, we’ll gain an understanding how to work with this assignment item by item. The Type of the Book You Are Writing About Before we start the discussion of the structure, it bears mentioning that each teacher has particular requirements for any given piece of assignment. In a similar vein, it means that the format can be changed. Some higher educational establishments are specified. So, clarify this before you start working on this piece of writing. As a rule, you need to start out with the description of the type of the book. You know that there are many book types: fiction, drama, satire, health, adventure, action, science, etc. This list is much longer. First, you need to sketch in the book type, offer a brief presentation of the viewpoint, book sets, etc. Besides, don’t forget to express your opinion why you choose this particular genre. The information in what genre the book is written will show the audience whether this book is worth their attention or not. Let us say if you see that the book genre is science fiction, but you prefer adventure books, you won’t start reading it. In this case, having read a report, you’ll see immediately that this book isn’t for you. An Average Book Report Structure Any book report encompasses several points. They are as follows: Introduction. Body. Analysis and Evaluation. Conclusion. Let’s bandy about each of them in greater details. Introduction The overarching aim of this part is to give short but fundamental information about the story. It must comprise the following items: Book title and authors. Information about the publisher, the year when the book was published and the number of pages. A short introduction to the book. Mostly, it consists of several sentences. It shouldn’t be too long, just several introductive sentences. Body Paragraphs Most commonly, the body of a book report comprises two parts: in the first part, you explicate the main plot of the writing; in the second one, you express your viewpoint concerning this book. Besides, this section depends on the book type. For instance, if you aim to describe the fiction book, you need to provide the audience with the detailed description of the setting, the protagonist, the major idea of the book and represent the audience the key characters. Also, don’t forget to include the presentation of the sequence of the primary events. If you want, you may also discuss the book resolution and climax. If you aim to analyze a non-fiction book, you shouldn’t summarize every chapter. You just need to provide a common view of the major topics and arguments. Analysis and Evaluation The primary objective of this part is to analyze a book. Voicing your personal perspective, don’t forget to confirm it with facts. Try to give answers to the following questions: Why do you think so? What influenced your opinion? What are the strengths of this particular book? Maybe, there are some weak points. What are they? Did the author manage to compass his purpose? Do you recommend this book to the audience? Why yes or why not? Conclusion Just pull all of your thoughts together briefly. Several sentences written in conclusion must provide the audience with the information whether this book is worth their attention or not. The Author of the Book Any book report should comprise the information about the author. You aren’t obliged to give a detailed description of his or her biography. Nevertheless, several fascinating facts won’t be extra. Maybe this information could help the audience understand why this book was written, what influenced the author and what made him write this book. The Time When the Story Takes Place Writing a book report, don’t forget about this point. Such information should be present in the body paragraphs. The time when the described story takes place really matters. In some instances, it influences the behavior of the lead characters. It affects the main plot. Furthermore, the description of the time gives the reader more information about the peculiarities of the title characters’ life. Working on a book report, you show the audience what this book is about. So, the detailed information about the time when the action takes place provides the audience with lots of in-depth and fascinating facts about that period. Some individuals like the description of the 19th century, the other part of them prefer modern books. The Location Where the Story Takes Place It is a brief description of the site where the cascade of events happens. As a rule, this is the first thing the author wants to show the readers because the location where the story goes on affects the train of events in the same way as the time. They are considered to be the principal aspects to bear in mind while writing a book report. Description of Characters You also need to present this information in one of the main paragraphs. Of course, you aren’t obliged to give the detailed description to each character mentioned in this book. Still, the definition of the principal roles is mandatory. You need to provide the audience with the information about the key characters: who they are, what they do, what they want to achieve, etc. Besides, don’t forget to express your personal viewpoint: why you like this character, why you support him, why one or another event influenced your opinion and more. As a rule, a book review is written when students take literature courses at a higher educational establishment. It is a fascinating assignment, especially if the book is exciting for you. We hope that our instruction will help you get through this writing task and get excellent grades.

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