Wednesday, December 25, 2019

21 Day Fix Plan Recipe - 2513 Words

21 Day Fix Plan Table of contents 1. Description 2. Introduction 3. Chapter 1: get your fix on! 4. Chapter 2: the magical elixir 5. Chapter 3: unlock your body’s healing potential 6. Chapter 4: 21 Day Fix Plan Recipes 7. Chapter 5: 21 Day Fix Meal Plan 8. Conclusion Description First and foremost, I would like to congratulate and thank you for purchasing the book â€Å"21 Day Fix Plan.† In this eBook, you will find adaptable and proven diet, fitness and overall health strategies that are all aimed at helping you shed the stubborn weight in a foolproof and sustainable way starting with a turbo charged 21 day plan. Embracing healthy, natural and nutrient dense whole foods that are endowed with high quality calories combined with a regular fitness regimen is the sole key to finding balance in your life and ultimately getting rid of the excess pounds once and for all. We are first going to start by defining and laying the foundation of the 21 Day Fix Plan by delving deeper into its philosophies and why you should follow it to effectively meet your weight loss goals. The second part will take you through healthy, mouth-wateringly tasty and simple recipes made from natural foods to start off your 21 day journey on a calorie-burning high. The 21 Day Fix Plan is the diet that changes your life starting today, so giddy up, it’s time to floor the pedal to the metal! Introduction Have we become such a vain people or are we honestly looking to become healthier? This is the primeShow MoreRelatedFad Diets Do Not Work For Long Term Weight Loss Essay1784 Words   |  8 Pagesin our country? Fad diets are everywhere; in the aisle at the supermarket, on the television infomercials, and Internet pop-up advertisements. Everywhere someone is saying you are fat, and here is how you fix it. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Origins Of A Bitter Intellectual Battle - 1860 Words

Bauerlein, Mark. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois: The Origins of a Bitter Intellectual Battle. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, no. 46, 2005, pp. 106, ProQuest Central. The article entitled â€Å"Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois: The Origins of a Bitter Intellectual Battle, by Mark Bauerlein, offered valid information to my research question. The main point of this article was to inform the reader of the similarities and differences between Washington and Du Bois (). At the start of the article, Bauerlein defines the stance that each of the men had on achieving equality for African Americans. Booker T. Washington†¦show more content†¦Du bois even congratulated Washington on this speech and was quotes as saying, â€Å"this might be the basis of a real settlement between whites and blacks in the South† (Bauerlein107). After the Atlanta speech, the fight for equality really took off. The two also worked together to organize protests against a bill that was introduced to the Georgia senate. The bill wanted to implement literacy tests to voters, but there was a â€Å"grandfather clause† that exempted whites from having to take the literacy test (Bauerlein 110). Even after Washington and Du Bois ended their personal friendship, they both tried to up hold respect for one another and accomplish the common goal. In a conference hosted by W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington was quoted as stating that â€Å"the work Dr. Du Bois is doing will stand for years as a monument to his ability, wisdom and faithfulness (Bauderlein112). This was a very easy to read article that helped to further my research. Johnston, Keith and Elwood Watson. â€Å"The W. E. B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington Debate: Effects upon African American Roles in Engineering and Engineering Technology.† The Journal of Technology Studies, vol. 30, no. 4, 1 Nov. 2004, pp. 65–70. JSTOR, doi:10.21061/jots. v30i4. a.10. In the academic journal, â€Å"The W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. Washington Debate: Effects upon African American Roles in Engineering and Engineering Technology†, Keith V. Johnson and Elwood Watson take a close look at theShow MoreRelatedThe Double Consciousness By. B Du Bois1651 Words   |  7 Pagesfully dismiss white ideology because his identity is comprised of white education and cultural appropriation.† Deconstructing western ideology is problematic when black writers and intellectuals like Du Bois are fighting for authentic blackness and are also practicing western theory that derives from the non-European origin. The Harlem movement would have to become a universal phenomenon, changing the world’s conception of racial identity and ideology. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Social Science Research Methods

Question: Discuss about theSocial Science Research Methods. Answer: Introduction: In the recent years, most of the Australian universities have been experiencing the enhancement of the industry due to the international students. The Singaporean students have shown adequate interest in acquiring the higher degree from the Australian Universities. In this context, the research methods on the Singaporean students and their interest in having knowledge from the Australian university have been discussed in an appropriate manner. In the discussion section, the methodology of the research has been discussed in context to the research topic. Moreover, the research process and the ethical issues of the topic have been highlighted in this particular essay. Discussion: By analyzing the provided article, it can be assessed that the interest of the Singaporean students for acquiring a higher degree from the Australian Universities has been increasing in an efficient manner. It has been seen that over the past decade, most of the Singaporean students, who have the ability to spend extra financial resources have chosen Australia to acquire a high degree (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). In this context, the research would be executed through qualitative method. The qualitative research method would be employed in the particular research in order to evaluate the challenges of the research topic. The investigator will select the research topic of Singaporean students studying abroad. For accumulating the information, the researcher would select the potential respondents from the different sources. In this scenario, the researcher would select the professors of the Australian Universities for accumulating the topic related information. The entire research would be based on the primary data. The primary data would allow the investigator to highlight the current market statistics of the Australian education sectors. At the initial stage, I would go to the selected Australian universities to approach the professors in the interview process. However, it would be a difficult task for the professors to manage time for the interview. The selection of the respondents would be dependent on the experiences of the key professionals. Without engaging the experienced professionals, I would not be able to accumulate in-depth knowledge on the particular research topic. The central research question would be the based on the need of the Australian educational degree to the Singap orean students. With the involvement of the key professionals of the Australian universities, I would focus on highlighting the Australian higher education system. Consequently, the accumulated information would facilitate me in understanding why the Singaporean students are increasing in numbers in the Australian universities. In the methodology section, I would employ different tools and techniques in this assignment. The qualitative data analysis technique would be utilized in the research for evaluating the rationale of the research topic in an efficient manner (Mackey Gass, 2015). On the other hand, the qualitative research method is more focused on the analyzing the research topic rather identifying the previous research activities. For conducting the qualitative research, five professors of the Australian universities will be approached. There are different forms of the interview including focus group interview, personal interview, etc. The qualitative data accumulation technique would be based on the focus group interview. In the focus group interview, the participants would be able to understand others point of views on the research topic. I would arrange the particular interview process in a systematic manner where each participant would get the opportunity to highlight the discussion for minimum 25-30 minutes timeframe. Within this allocated timeframe, the participants would be able to identify the research topic of Singaporean studying abroad. On the other hand, the participants would face 5-10 questions for analyzing the particular research topic. Different types of questions would be asked of the participants. For instance, the respondents would be requested to highlight the importance of the higher degree of the Australian universities and how these degrees indeed facilitate the Singaporean students in developing their career in the diverse professional fields including medical and law. Moreover, the respondents would also be asked for evaluating the challenges of the Singaporean students to acquire a higher educational degree from the renowned universities of Australia including the University of Sydney, University of Queensland, and University of the South Australia, etc. Besides this, I would also ask the respondents to discuss the involvement of the local governmen t for enhancing the particular education system in an effectual manner. Although the Singapore government has started recognizing the Juris Doctor (JD) degrees from the 10 Australian universities, they must have been focused on providing more facilities to the students having the interest to acquire a higher degree from Australia. Hence, these legislative related questions would be asked to the respondents in order to analyze the research topic in an appropriate manner. The research strategy will include a particular process for engaging the respondents in the focused group interview. At the initial stage, the research topic will be selected. In the next stage, the respondents will be selected based on the probability sampling technique. In this context, the probability sampling technique will be selected in order to obtain the reliable data from the respondents (Panneerselvam, 2014). The particular research topic needs to analyze in a detailed manner. Hence, the probability sampling has been employed for the enhancement of the quality of the data. Although it will be difficult to engage the professors of the universities in the interview session, I would try to involve at least 5 respondents for the particular research activity. In this context, the respondents would be asked to be involved in the focused group interview where each of the participants would obtain 25-30 minutes timeframe for highlighting their point of views about the research topi c. However, if any respondents would not be able to get involved in the interview process due to the lack of time, they would be given facility to take their points on the topic utilizing the online platform such as Skype. After accumulating the research data from the respondents, I would analyze them in an efficient manner. Hence, it can be assessed that the engagement of the qualitative data analysis technique would be the best solution for analyzing the research topic. In the research execution process, different ethics will be followed. During the interview, the respondents should not be pressurized for providing knowledge on the particular topic (Pickard, 2012). Besides this, the data protection needs to be maintained while executing the research. The accumulated data should not be utilized for other purposes. Moreover, the respondents need to be aware of all research details (Silverman, 2016). There should not be any hidden condition for the respondents, as it might create difficulties to obtain fair outcome from the research. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the particular research will be conducted through primary research. For analyzing the data, the qualitative method will be utilized, as the particular process will be able to highlight the key issues of the research topic. In this assignment, the selection process of the research information has been highlighted in a detailed manner. Moreover, the involvement of the discussion on the methodology has identified a process to accumulate data from different sources. On the other hand, the particular assignment also has highlighted the ethical issues for executing the particular research topic. Hence, it can be assessed that the research analysis on the topic of Singaporean studying abroad has been conducted in a systematic manner. References: Mackey, A., Gass, S. M. (2015).Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Panneerselvam, R. (2014).Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Pickard, A. (2012).Research methods in information. Facet publishing. Silverman, D. (Ed.). (2016).Qualitative research. Sage. Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Stranger Essay Research Paper The StrangerThe free essay sample

The Stranger Essay, Research Paper The Stranger The Stranger, by Albert Camus, is about the life of a really complex character named Meursault. Meursault is a really quiet individual who seldom shows any external emotions when a state of affairs in which most people would. He displays limited feelings for his girlfriend, Marie Cardona, and shows no compunction at all for killing an Arab. He remains this manner through most of the book, but towards the terminal he starts to understand his feelings better. Meursault s reactions to life and to people tend to distance him from his emotions and from his relationships with others. In the opening scene of the book, we find out that his female parent has merely died. The first page entirely gives many intimations about Meursault # 8217 ; s character and it shows him to be about unaware of his emotions. He feels the demand to apologise for things that are out of his control and to thank people for things that they had nil to make with. We will write a custom essay sample on The Stranger Essay Research Paper The StrangerThe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He fundamentally apologizes to his foreman when he asks for two yearss off of work to travel the funeral for his dead female parent. He goes through the full funeral without exposing any external emotions, stating that he doesn # 8217 ; t want to see the organic structure and that he doesn # 8217 ; t want to pay his last respects. He smokes and drinks java with the caretaker, which is considered unusual in the topographic point and clip the narrative takes topographic point. At the terminal of Part 1, Meursault shoots and kills an Arab adult male. After he kills the Arab, he describes the feeling like, # 8220 ; it was like strike harding four speedy times at the door of unhappiness. # 8221 ; ( 59 ) He merely describes it as sadness, something comparatively mild on a graduated table of emotions. Toward the terminal of the book he remarks that he wanted to snog a adult male, and tells us that this is the first clip he has of all time had this feeling. He wants to give thanks to Celeste, a adult male who owns a eating house under the same name and where Meursault often eats. This shows that he experiences emotions and even though he doesn # 8217 ; t normally act on it, it # 8217 ; s still at that place. There is one other case towards the terminal of the book where Meursault # 8217 ; s emotions about break through to the surface. He says that he feels like weeping, which he hasn # 8217 ; t felt like in old ages, because he could experience how much ev eryone at his test hates him. Meursault believes love doesn Ts exist, he doesn # 8217 ; t understand what it is and thinks that it is nonmeaningful. When Marie, his girlfriend, asks him if he loves her, he replies that he doesn # 8217 ; t believe love agencies anything, but that he besides doesn # 8217 ; t think so. When she asks him a 2nd clip, his response is the same. She asks him to get married her and he is really non-reactive about it. Alternatively of stating a definite yes or no, he says that it is up to her and that if she wants them to be married so he will travel along with it. The relationship humor h his female parent besides shows a deficiency of love, although, there is one case where he says that he likely did love his female parent, but that it still didn’t average anything. At his test, the prosecuting officer shows these features to the jury to convert them that he is non a normal individual and this leads them to the determination that he is a cold blooded liquidator. Meursault illustrates that adult male has freedom of pick, # 8220 ; It was so that I realized that you could either shoot or non shoot. # 8221 ; ( 56 ) He sees the picks that he can do and that effects of his actions are traveling to impact him. At this point he does non hit, but subsequently on he rethinks his determination and hit the Arab. He ends up paying the effects after he is arrested and finally he realizes what he has done. # 8220 ; I was about to state that precisely, because they were felons, but so I realized that I was one too. # 8221 ; ( 69 ) There is besides a scene in the courtroom when he thinks to himself that he is guilty. He admits that he has to pay for what he has done and thinks to himself, # 8220 ; I was guilty, I was paying for it, and nil more could be asked of me. # 8221 ; ( 75 ) Towards the terminal of the book he thinks a batch about his decease, but non in a negative manner, about in a funny manner. He thinks about his male parent traveling to witness an executing and thinks to himself, # 8220 ; There s nil more of import than an executing and that it # 8217 ; s the lone thing a adult male could genuinely be interested in. # 8221 ; ( 110 ) He wonders what it will experience like to mount the scaffolding up to the closure by compartment. He believes that the universe is apathetic or hostile, and that there truly is no point to it. Meursault believes that there is no such thing as human nature. By extinguishing emotions, love affair, and fond regards, non much of what is considered human nature remains. Peoples may take to make what they wish every bit long as they are responsible for their actions and face the effects. He reads a narrative in the newspaper while he is in gaol about a adult male being beaten to decease by his ain sister and female parent who didn # 8217 ; t know that it was their comparative, # 8220 ; absolutely natural. # 8221 ; ( 80 ) This shows that he believes there is a deficiency of human nature, or at least that he believes in a different human nature than most. Another quotation mark that supports the fact that there is no such thing as human nature and that people are alone is when he talks about the attorney, stating that, # 8220 ; He didn # 8217 ; t understand me, and was kind of keeping it against me. # 8221 ; ( 66 ) Meursault is isolated and alone ; he finds the universe to be hostile, life to be unaccountable and love affair to be a figment of your imaginativeness. These are all shown in assorted cases throughout the book. The complexness of this character and seeking to calculate out what is traveling through Meursault # 8217 ; s head is why this is such a great book.